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Reflections (Pt. 2)

My second project for my Writing and Editing in Print and Online (WEPO) class was due this past Sunday/Monday (October 22 and 23), and I think I can safely say that I found it easier to accomplish than the first project. This might have something to do with the fact that I felt reasonably more confident this time about what exactly I was supposed to be doing than the last project. I also felt a bit more passionate about this project, I'd like to say, partly for the same reason, but also because I focused this project on a topic that's becoming more and more hotly debated/talked about as the years pass. My idea behind the project was to create a playlist of songs that a person might send a crush/significant other, but include songs that have dubious lyrics/messages, and then take those lyrics and create a collage of them meant to represent domestic abuse.

The project helped me to understand assemblages better, and in turn, composition. Not everybody would agree with me on this, but I genuinely believe that assemblages and compositions go hand-in-hand. An assemblage, in my eyes, has to be a composition, just like most things in this world are compositions. In my opinion, anything that can be made is a composition.

I can see key terms like audience, material, design, genre, exigence, and assemblage (for obvious reasons) playing a role in this project. Audience, because it was important to have my audience in mind when remediating the assemblage (for reasons like what the purpose is behind the new text); material, because it was another integral part to my project design and the creation of the project in general; design, because it was something I considered before even creating the project, and something I had to continue considering as the project wore on; genre, because different genres can have different impacts on audiences and text meanings; exigence, because it provoked the entire idea for the project to begin with; and assemblage, because that’s what the project revolved around to begin with.

I think it's interesting and kind of fun to play around with things that have been created and try to create new things from it, and this project gave a pretty good example of what doing that might be like.

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